Welcome to our column, Dear Toby. We take real life HR questions and give real HR advice. Have a question or topic you'd love covered in our column? Send us an email at info@aandaconsulting.ca
Submitted December 2024
Dear Toby,
I’m a small business owner, and one of my employees has been missing their targets for a while now. I’ve provided feedback, but I’m not seeing much improvement. I’m getting frustrated, and I’m not sure how much more time I should give them to turn things around. Any advice on what steps I should take?
-Frustrated in Fredericton
Dear Frustrated in Fredericton,
This is a common issue, and it can be challenging when an employee isn’t meeting expectations despite your guidance.
It’s wonderful to hear that you have provided your employee with feedback. Giving clear and direct feedback sets the foundation for future discussions and you have taken a great first step!
Sometimes, disconnects happen if there’s a misunderstanding on the “what” or “how” success is achieved. Continue to have a candid, supportive conversation where you outline your concerns, restate expectations, and listen to any challenges they may be facing that might impact their performance. For example, does the employee require additional training? And remember, documentation is key! Follow up with an email or, in some cases, a formal letter. This ensures that expectations are understood and eliminates any misunderstandings.
If after a couple of weeks you are still not seeing improvement, you may choose to formalize the process and work on a performance improvement plan (PIP) with specific goals and timelines. This provides structure and accountability, while providing the support the employee needs to improve. It is important to be transparent about the potential consequences if targets are not met by the end of the plan.
Following these steps will help mitigate potential risk for your business. But remember – this advice is based on a ‘snapshot’ of the information provided. For comprehensive support, connect with your HR professional who will dig a bit deeper into the issues, help structure future conversations and provide you with additional tools (like a PIP).
